Research Topics or Ideas

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Artificial Intelligence
Database & Information Systems
Distributed Systems/Ubiquitous Computing
Geometric Computation
Human Computer Interaction
Internet Systems & Infrastructure
Knowledge Representation & Reasoning
Machine Learning
Math Theory of Computation
Natural Language & Speech
Probabilistic Methods & Game Theoretic Methods
Programming Languages & Compilers
Robotics, Vision & Physical Modeling
Scientific Computing
Security and Privacy
Software/Operating Systems
Systems Reliability/Dependability

Possible Research Topics and Areas

Security and Cryptography on WWW
Managing & analyzing large volumes of dynamic & diverse data
Privacy and Databases
A System for Integrated Management of Data, Accuracy, and Lineage
Agile Engineering Methods for Distributed Dependable Systems
Modeling Complex Systems
Design Patterns for Distributed Dependable Control Systems
Agent Oriented Software Engineering
Design and Analysis Methods for Multi-Agent Systems
Software Engineering Methods and Tools for Soft Computing
E-commerce challenges and solutions
Automated E-commerce negotiation agents
Database management system for XML
Tradeoffs in Replication Precision and Performance
Trusted Image Dissemination
Integrating database queries & Web searches
Compiling High-level Access Interfaces for Multi-site Software
Content-based Image Retrieval
Digital Library Technologies
Parallel Query Optimization
Large-scale Interoperation and Composition
Scalable Knowledge Composition
Privacy and Databases
High Performance Knowledge Bases
Computational Game Theory
Multi-Agent Learning
Digital Circuit Optimization
Transactional Coherence and Consistency
Visualizing Large VLSI Datasets
Global Optimization and Self-Calibration of CMOS Analog Circuits
Computational Law
General Game Playing
Logical Spreadsheets
Collaborative Commerce
Global Trading Catalog
Exploration of indigenous language dictionaries
Textual Inferences
Shallow Semantic Parsing
Unsupervised Language Learning
Question Answering with Statistics and Inference
Clustering Models
Statistical Machine Translation
Design of Ad-hoc Wireless Networks for Real-Time Media
Compression and Streaming
Optimized Video Streaming
Image and Signal Processor
Scalable Network Fabrics
High Speed Signaling
System-Level Design Tools and Hardware/Software Co-design
Web Password Hashing
Preventing online identity theft and phasing
Software Quality and Infrastructure Protection for Diffuse Computing
Agile Management of Dynamic Collaboration
Computational modeling of signal transduction pathways
Artificial Intelligence
Validity Check
Electronic Voting
Verification of high-level designs
Statistics and Data Mining
Computer Ethics
Privacy, Right of Freedom Of Information
Standardizing E-Commerce Protocols
Software Metrics and Models
Software Configuration Management Patterns
Approximation Algorithms
Design of Network Topology
Software Development Technologies For Reactive, Real-Time, and Hybrid Systems
Modeling Flexible Protein Loops
Study of Protein Motion
Sensing of Deformable Objects
Adaptive Dynamic Collision Checking
Climbing Robots
Deformable Object Simulation
Robots on Rough Terrain
Textual Inferences
Machine Learning Control
Enterprise Software, Solutions, and Services
E-commerce and the World Wide Web
Future of Web Services
Electronic surveillance
Software Model for Game Programming
Extreme Programming
Agile Software Development
Reliable Component-Based Software Systems
Engineering and Technology Management
Application of Virtual Reality
Digital Convergence
Applications of Data warehousing and data mining
IP Telephony
Genetic Engineering
Security threats through Spy ware
Software Architecture Patterns
Object Oriented Design Patterns and Frameworks
Grid Computing
Voice Technology
Controlling Pornography and Computer Crime over Internet
Internet and the Economic Revolution
Ad-Hoc Networks Modeling
Globalization and Computers
Computer Aided Design
Bioinformatics and Biometrix
Computer Technology and Government
Computer Crimes Cyberspace Social Aspects
Human Computer Interaction
Robust IP security
Mechanisms for Friendly Robotics
Multi-directional Motion Planning
Manipulation Planning
Surgical Simulation
Next-Generation Grids and Distributed Systems
Peer to Peer Computing
Distributed Data Management
Design and Manufacturing
Repositories of Reusable Knowledge
Randomized Motion Planning
Technology-Assisted Surgery
Human Motion Simulation
Human-Centered Machine Design
Simulation & Active Interfaces
Graphics System and Architecture
Interactive Workspaces
Computational Photography
Real-Time Programmable Shading
Rendering Algorithms
Simulation & Analysis of Muscle Models
Virtual Human Simulation
Compression of synthetic images
Creating digital archives of 3D artworks
3D fax machine
Responsive Workbench
Spreadsheets for Images
Texture Analysis and Synthesis
Visualizing Complex Systems
Volume Rendering
Predicate Abstraction
Verification of transaction-based protocols
Reconfigurable Wireless Networks for Multimode Communications
Smart Photonic Networks
Improving Program Robustness via Static Analysis and Dynamic Instrumentation
High-Level Area and Timing Estimation
Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis
Collaborative Co-Located Information Organization
Enabling Rapid Off-the-Desktop Prototyping
Notebooks that Share and Walls that Remember
Interactive Workspaces
Logic Programming Techniques
Data Compression and Coding
Human Language Technology
Information Discovery
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Security and Cryptography
Spatial Data
XML and Semi-Structured Data
Beyond the Desktop
Interaction with Large Displays
Moving Information and Control
Defense against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Extreme Scale Cluster Architecture
Feedback Based Inter-domain Routing
History-based Anti-spam
Towards Self-Managed Wireless LANs
Interactive Workspaces
Recovery Oriented Computing
A collaborative work environment
Only Software & Recursive Micro-reboots
Decoupled Storage
Space Systems
Inference Web
Repositories of Reusable Knowledge
An Object-Oriented Modular Reasoning System
Model-Based Support of Distributed Collaborative Design
Modeling, Analysis and Control of Hybrid Systems
Technology for Enhanced Reuse of Design Objects
Virtual Network System
Active Queue Management
Scaleable Performance Prediction and Efficient Network Simulation
Sensor Networks
TCP Performance
Energy Efficient Wireless Communication
Load Balancing
Multimedia over Networks
Stochastic Network Theory
Web Cache Performance and Analysis
Optical Router
Optimal Routing in the Internet
Parallel Packet Switch
Rate Control Protocol for Short-lived Flows
Single Buffered Routers
TCP Switching
High Performance Switching
Link Adaptation in Wireless Local Area Networks
Mobility in Cellular and Wireless Local Area Networks
Performance Assessment and Traffic Differentiation in Wireless Local Area Networks
Identity Based Encryption
Authenticating Streamed Data
Identity Based Encryption Email system
Intrusion tolerance via threshold cryptography
Security of cryptographic primitives and protocols
Remote Exploration and Experimentation
Reliability Obtained by Adaptive Reconfiguration
Agent Applications and Ontologies
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
Agent Programming and Specification Languages
Concept-Based Retrieval and Interpretation for Large Datasets
Complex and Adaptive Systems

Persuasive Funny Speech Topics or Ideas

Ten Persuasive Funny Speech Topic samples: 

1. Men remember: women want bright coloured, funny and worthless goodies as a gift.
2. Do's and don'ts when visiting a new mother and baby.
3. Being rude is the only way to get off telemarketers.
4. It should be made illegal to phone while driving a car.
5. Tips to take toll high ways or bridges without paying.
6. Let others pay your holiday trips with the perfect collect call strategy.
7. Decorating your college apartment with a low budget.
8. How to handle well-meaning people you don't like.
9. Effective optical cleaning methods for your home shortly before your parents arrive.
10. The ten commandments in a restaurant boys and girls room.

Ten kid funny speech topic ideas: 

1. How to drive the baby-sitter crazy.
2. Tips for choosing a practical lunch box.
3. How to behave in a chique restaurant.
4. How to design your own personal place mat.
5. How to make funny shaped ice cubes.
6. Tips to answer the phone well.
7. Three fun games to play at beach.
8. Sleeping a night in the backyard with a friend.
9. The funniest amusement parks.
10. Ways to re-use stickers that are not sticky anymore. Or list many bumpersticker texts and see if they could be turned into a funny speech topic!

Funny Speech Topics or Ideas

  1. How to make fun every day in life.
  2. The working of Murphy's Law.
  3. Chasing idle dreams is a good habit.
  4. Unexpected disasters that can happen.
  5. Funny job applicant stories.
  6. How I choose friends.
  7. People with mediocre talents have success and high talented people haven't.
  8. Why my - any fun speech topic - looks cooler than the ... of my neighbour.
  9. Rare speed limits and the reasons why.
  10. When I resign, I will ...
  11. My motto: I’m flexible by indecision.
  12. Ways to remember birthdays.
  13. For her/him who doesn't have to do it, nothing is impossible.
  14. How to give your dog or cat a pill.
  15. Why men are proud of themselves.
  16. How to cheat poker the nice way.
  17. Why I don't want to be a millionaire.
  18. Eating flowers is possible.
  19. How to determine you are addicted to the Internet.
  20. Wine/beer/cocktail of the month.
  21. How to be a charming host at any event.
  22. Demonstrate tasting wine in a humorous way.
  23. If I were my boss, then I ...
  24. Happy puppies make humans happy.
  25. How to deny reality.
  26. Ten fun things to do during an exam.
  27. Urban running acrobatics.
  28. Ten ways to order a pizza.
  29. Your guide to life.
  30. How to throw a paper airplane in class.
  31. Ten things you've learned from your pet.
  32. Personal bloopers are great funny topics for a speech.
  33. My most profitable mistake.
  34. Funny computer terms and phrases.
  35. What women really say when they talk to men.
  36. Answers on the meaning of life.
  37. Funny holidays in other countries.
  38. How to find funny speech topics in 24 hours.
  39. Woman marries much younger man.
  40. Bare funny facts about men.
  41. Funny facts about women.
  42. How to become a rat and make a fortune.
  43. Rules for boys who want to date with your sister.
  44. Funny first date experiences.
  45. A true story that ain't true in the end.
  46. Unusual incidents.

Interesting Speech Topics

  1. Abolishing the Death Penalty
  2. Animal Rights
  3. Are beauty contests harmful?
  4. Are there Angels among us? 
  5. Avoiding Student Debt
  6. Banning beauty contests 
  7. Banning Boxing
  8. Boating
  9. Body art
  10. Books: what to read? 
  11. Business Law
  12. Buy diamonds for a fair price
  13. Can terrorism ever be justified?
  14. Can the assassination of a dictator be justified?
  15. Caribbean
  16. Cartoon characters 
  17. Cat Walk 
  18. Celebrities
  19. Censoring the Internet
  20. Chemicals
  21. Climbing
  22. Computer Science
  23. Conspiracy
  24. Cooking
  25. Cycling
  26. Dance
  27. Do schools have the right to search students’ lockers?
  28. Does television have a negative influence on society?
  29. Drilling
  30. E-mail SPAM
  31. Entertainment
  32. Essay Research
  33. Ethnicity
  34. European Union
  35. Euthanasia
  36. Famous conspiracy theories Animation an art 
  37. Fashion
  38. Fitness
  39. Flowers
  40. Folktales
  41. Foreign Politics
  42. Funny songs in Schools 
  43. Funny Stories 
  44. Gardening
  45. Gay marriages
  46. Geography
  47. Get a 4.0GPA without studying
  48. Ghosts: Are they real 
  49. Gifts
  50. Home Improvement
  51. How to apply face paint
  52. How to apply make-up
  53. How to carve a pumpkin
  54. How to clean golf clubs
  55. How to count to 10 in French
  56. How to decorate  a Christmas tree
  57. How to Decorate a cake
  58. How to Fold a flag
  59. How to juggle
  60. How to lay a table
  61. How to lay a table
  62. How to make a cocktail
  63. How to make a paper aeroplane
  64. How to make Christmas Decorations
  65. How to pack a suitcase
  66. How to paint a table
  67. How to pass exams
  68. How to Perform a card trick
  69. How to play chess
  70. How to play poker
  71. How to send an email
  72. How to Surf the Internet 
  73. How to tie a necktie
  74. How to tie a tie
  75. How to use a cell phone
  76. How to wrap a present
  77. Human Cloning
  78. Immigration
  79. Information Technology
  80. Internet Broadcasts
  81. Internet dating
  82. Is it correct for university authorities to ban hate speech?
  83. Is it morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings?
  84. Is physical force a justifiable method of punishing children?
  85. Is sport really good for us?
  86. Jewelry
  87. Keeping animals in zoos
  88. Language
  89. Laughing is a medicine 
  90. Lip Reading
  91. Martial Arts
  92. Mental Health
  93. Metro Arts
  94. Middle East Mining Safety
  95. Missile Defence System
  96. Motorsports
  97. Music
  98. New ways to save gasoline
  99. Nursing
  100. Olympics
  101. Paparazzi
  102. Parliamentary Procedures
  103. Philosophy
  104. Potty train your child in one day
  105. Privacy rights
  106. Prom Nights
  107. Recreation
  108. Recycling
  109. Relationships
  110. Religion
  111. Roleplaying
  112. Rural Living
  113. Satire
  114. Save money now, spend later
  115. School Uniforms
  116. Senior Health
  117. Senses
  118. Should ‘factory farming’ be banned? 
  119. Should acts of hate be criminalized? 
  120. Should assisted suicide be legalized?
  121. Should cell phone use in cars be banned?
  122. Should children be given sex education in schools, or should this be the responsibility of the parents?
  123. Should continued office for public officials be dependent on (successfully) taking a drug test?
  124. Should doctors be allowed to prescribe contraception for girls under the age of 16?
  125. Should examinations be replaced with other forms of assessment?
  126. Should flag burning as a form of protest be prohibited?
  127. Should gambling be legalized and regulated?
  128. Should governments be sending people into space?
  129. Should governments censor material on the world wide web?
  130. Should governments negotiate with terrorists?
  131. Should HIV positive workers have to tell their employers of their status?
  132. Should mothers stay at home to raise their children?
  133. Should negative advertising in political campaigns be banned?
  134. Should parents be held morally and legally responsible for the actions/needs of their children?
  135. Should Physical Education in schools be compulsory?
  136. Should popular consumerist images of women be banned because they are violent?
  137. Should prostitution be legalized?
  138. Should school students face mandatory drug-tests?
  139. Should schools be allowed to teach creationism alongside evolution as part of their science curriculum?
  140. Should schools require their students to wear a school uniform?
  141. Should sex offenders be named and shamed?
  142. Should the government censor lyrics of songs that are violent or expletive, for example “gangsta” rap? 
  143. Should the international ban on the hunting of whales be lifted?
  144. Should the morning-after pill be banned?
  145. Should the numbers of women in the legislature be raised artificially?
  146. Should the present international ban on trading elephant ivory be lifted?
  147. Should the state be fully privatized?
  148. Should the state fund schools run by particular faiths?
  149. Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport be legalized?
  150. Should we ban the keeping of animals in circuses?
  151. Should we ban the keeping of animals in zoos?
  152. Should we be trying to prevent species becoming extinct? If so, why?
  153. Should we legalize the sale of human organs?
  154. Should young people be subjected to curfews as a way to reduce crime?
  155. Single Parents
  156. Sociology
  157. Software
  158. South America
  159. Speak in text lingo / net lingo
  160. Stem Cell Research
  161. Stop bedwetting the safe way
  162. Strength Sports
  163. Teen Pregnancy
  164. Telecommunications
  165. Textiles
  166. The Hippocratic Oath
  167. Time Zones
  168. Train your dog wisely
  169. Transportation
  170. Typography
  171. Urban Legends
  172. Use of Steroids
  173. Virtual Reality
  174. Visual Arts
  175. Watching less TV
  176. Water Sports
  177. Wearing fur
  178. Wearing Seatbelts
  179. Weight Loss
  180. What acts should be considered hate crimes?
  181. Winter Sports
  182. Working Mothers
  183. Wrestling and Football: Should girls be allowed? 
  184. Writing Styles
  185. Zeus
  186. Zoology

Persuasive Speech Topics or Ideas

  • Should there be a censor board for the internet?
  • Should there be a ban on using animals for testing chemicals and drugs?
  • Should there be a ban on beauty contests?
  • Should capital punishment be abolished?
  • Should gay marriages be legalized?
  • Is there an alternative for prison?
  • Should working women be given special privileges?
  • Is dieting harmful?
  • Should the gun laws be severed?
  • Should mothers stay at home?
  • Is juvenile sentence right or wrong?
  • Should gambling be regulated?
  • Is the current tax system unfair?
  • Should wearing helmets be made compulsory?
  • Should all citizens be covered by health insurance?
  • Should hunting be made illegal?
  • Should sportsmen be allowed to use steroids?
  • Should wearing fur banned?
  • Should students have to wear school uniform?
  • Should student's lockers be checked?
  • Does television have a positive influence on students?
  • Should sex education be given in school?
  • Should exams be replaced by other forms of testing performance?
  • Is internet dating harmful?
  • Should cell phones be allowed in school?
  • Should the minimum wage be changed for adolescents or teenagers?
  • Should teachers be paid on the basis of performance?
  • Should prostitution be made legal?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Should college students go for mandatory drug-tests?
  • Should body piercing be banned?
  • Should smoking in public be banned?
  • Should there be a facility for bilingual education?
  • Should curfews be imposed on college students?
  • Should finance education be made mandatory?
  • Should porn be banned? 

Blue Brain Speech Topics or Ideas

Friday, March 23, 2012
 “Blue brain” –The name of the world’s first virtual brain. That means a machine   that can function as human brain.  Today scientists are in research to create an artificial brain that can think, response, take decision, and keep anything in memory. The main aim is to upload human brain into machine. So that man can think, take decision without any effort. After the death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man .So, even after the death of a person we will not loose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities, feelings and memories of that man that can be used for the development of the human society.  No one has ever understood the complexity of human brain. It is complex than any circuitry in the world. So, question may arise “Is it really possible to create a human brain?” The answer is “Yes”. Because what ever man has created today always he has followed the nature. When man does not have a device called computer, it was a big question for all .But today it is possible due to the technology. Technology is growing faster than every thing.  IBM is now in research to create a virtual brain. It is called “Blue brain “.If possible, this would be the first virtual brain of the world

What is Blue brain?

             The IBM is now developing a virtual brain known as the Blue brain. It would be the world’s first virtual brain.  With in 30 years, we will be able to scan ourselves into the computers. Is this the beginning of eternal life?

What is Virtual Brain?

               We can say Virtual brain is an artificial brain, which does not actually the natural brain, but can act as the brain .It can think like brain, take decisions based on the past experience, and response as the natural brain can. It is possible by using a super computer, with a huge amount of storage capacity, processing power and an interface between the human brain and this artificial one .Through this interface the data stored in the natural brain can be up loaded into the computer .So the brain and the knowledge, intelligence of anyone can be kept and used for ever, even after the death of the person

How it is possible?

    First, it is helpful to describe the basic manners in which a person may be uploaded into a computer. Raymond Kurzweil recently provided an interesting paper on this topic. In it, he describes both invasive and noninvasive techniques. The most promising is the use of very small robots, or nanobots. These robots will be small enough to travel throughout our circulatory systems. Traveling into the spine and brain, they will be able to monitor the activity and structure of our central nervous system. They will be able to provide an interface with computers that is as close as our mind can be while we still reside in our biological form. Nanobots could also carefully scan the structure of our brain, providing a complete readout of the connections between each neuron. They would also record the current state of the brain. This information, when entered into a computer, could then continue to function as us. All that is required is a computer with large enough storage space and processing power. Is the pattern and state of neuron connections in our brain truly all that makes up our conscious selves? Many people believe firmly those we posses a soul, while some very technical people believe that quantum forces contribute to our awareness. But we have to now think technically. Note, however, that we need not know how the brain actually functions, to transfer it to a computer. 

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